Thursday, May 26, 2011

What happens at home

When you go to school at home:
  • You wake up after the school bus picks the neighborhood kids up and eat an unrushed breakfast.
  • You may get dressed for the day or stay in your pajamas- it kind of depends on whether or not you're going to see anybody.
  • You spend a couple of hours learning new spelling words, reading, answering questions, writing, practicing math skills, hearing history stories, and performing science experiments.
  • You may or not have to run errands with mom or tag along to doctor appointments.
  • You eat lunch with the family- sometimes in the kitchen, sometimes on the back porch, sometimes at a friend's house, sometimes at a restaurant, and sometimes at the park- then take another hour to rest.
  • You visit Mom's friends sometimes and make ones of your own.
  • You take mini-vacations when family comes into town.
  • You wait for your neighborhood friends to come home from school.
  • You play, and sometimes argue- with your brother.
  • You play games on the computer.
  • You sit with your brother at the library story time, and play along too.
  • You clean your room, pick up the playroom, feed the dog, and fetch diapers.
  • You wait for Mom to feed the baby, change the baby, wash the dishes, do the laundry, talk on the phone, pack the car, and fix the lunch.
  • You daydream and draw pictures and make up stories.
  • You have been dubbed the assistant mommy, because you help Mom with almost everything.
We don't do a lot of sitting.  We do a lot of life.