Friday, August 13, 2010

Our curriculum

There are so many choices out there for homeschoolers!  There are different learning methods, as well as, curriculum packages.  Our family is excited to try out the k12 curriculum for a few reasons: 

1.  It's free. Our state has set up a public school called the Georgia Cyber Academy, which provides this curriculum for a certain number of students in the state.  When registering for the first time, they set up a lottery if the registrants go over their acceptance cap.  It has actually "become the largest public school in Georgia."
2.  It's organized.  I think every homeschooler would say that getting organized and keeping up with state requirements would be one of the most difficult aspects of homeschooling in the first year.  For me, having GCA take care of my attendance, testing, and documentation requirements is a relief!
3.  There's accountability & support.  We have an assigned teacher who checks in with us and is available to answer questions whenever we need.
4.  There's community.  Because Bella is technically registered as a student in a GA public school, there are up to 5, 000 other children across the state who are using the same curriculum.  We're all connected so that we can meet other homeschoolers her age or go on field trips together.

This our first year, our first try, our first choice.  We may decide that it's not quite what we're looking for, but that doesn't worry me.  There are "much- much, oh, ever so much-much, so muchly much much more" resources out there for us to discover (quote by Dr. Seuss)!

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